Coronary Computed Tomography Angiogram

Coronary Computed Tomography Angiogram (CTA) Overview

A coronary computed tomography angiogram (coronary CTA) is a minimally invasive diagnostic procedure designed to detect the buildup of fat or calcium within the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart. Using images produced with contrast dye, the coronary CTA examines blood vessels to identify any abnormalities.

Indications for a Coronary CTA

A coronary CTA is recommended for patients at risk for coronary artery disease to detect early signs and prevent permanent damage. It is effective in identifying issues in asymptomatic patients and diagnosing coronary disease in patients with unusual symptoms. Additional reasons for ordering a coronary CTA include:

  • Investigating possible aneurysms
  • Examining blood vessels for atherosclerosis
  • Detecting abnormal blood vessel formations in the brain
  • Identifying damaged blood vessels
  • Locating blood clots that may have traveled
  • Evaluating tumors fed by blood vessels

A coronary CTA can help prevent heart attacks or strokes and prepare patients for kidney transplants.

The Coronary CTA Procedure

During the procedure, an iodine contrast dye is injected into a vein to produce clear and accurate images. Medication to slow or stabilize the heart rate is administered through the same IV to improve imaging results. X-rays are then used to create 3-D images that can reveal signs of coronary artery disease.

Benefits of a Coronary CTA

A coronary CTA is less invasive than many other heart tests since it does not require the insertion of a catheter or transport tube into the coronary arteries. It is cost-effective, time-efficient, and carries an extremely low risk of side effects, making it useful for screening coronary artery disease.

Risks of a Coronary CTA

While generally safe, a coronary CTA does have some risks. The amount of radiation used is very small, but the contrast dye can potentially damage the kidneys, making the procedure unsuitable for patients with diabetes or severe kidney disease. Pregnant or nursing women should notify their physicians before undergoing the test. Other rare risks include allergic reactions to the contrast material or tissue damage if the dye leaks at the IV site.

If you wish to discuss your condition, we are dedicated to offering you the highest level of care. Please call our office at 203-767-3332, and we will connect you with our cardiology specialists.